Este ano na VII edição do torneio foram também as americanas que nos surpreenderam, mas desta vez, as do Norte.
Lyrica Okano e Alexis Page do Aviator Sports de New York e as irmãs Serena e Cindy Lu do Twin Cities Rhythmic do Estado do Minnesota vieram a Espinho mostrar bons exercícios de Rítmica e tiraram dividendos desse facto.
Lyrica Okano e Alexis Page em Juniores conseguiram respectivamente o 3º e 6º lugar no escalão e, principalmente Okano, conseguiu mostrar bons exercícios com apreciável técnica de aparelho. Alexis Page, segundo consegui apurar, ginasta da USA Team, não esteve tão bem, alias como as classificações o mostram, mas não deixou de captar a atenção do público presente.
No caso das irmãs Lu, e numa passagem rápida pelo site do seu clube podemos constatar a qualidade do seu trabalho com vários primeiros lugares nos Torneios e Campeonatos que vão disputando, elas que tem como treinadora a Margarita Mamzina. Como confirmação do seu valor encontramos já em 2006 uma nomeação das duas irmãs para "Rhythmic Future Stars" dos EUA. Futuras estrelas da GR? ... a ver vamos.

No rescaldo do torneio, as ginastas Americanas conseguiram mesmo uma boa prestação, principalmente as manas Lu que não só se superiorizaram em Juvenis relegando a Maria para segundo lugar, como se não bastasse ainda ficaram com o primeiro em Juniores fazendo o mesmo a colega Rita Vasconcelos. Tá mal... :D
Parabéns pelo bom trabalho.
In 07 when we went by the first time to Espinho, and he count on the superiority of Russians and other gymnasts from East we was astonished by the quality of the the ones of South American, (regards to the Bruna Silva of Brazil), this year, in the VII edition of the tournament was also the Americans that astonished ourselves, but this time, from the North.
Lyrica Okano and Alexis Pays from the Aviator Sports of New York and the sisters Serena and Cindy Lu from Twin Cities Rhythmic from the State of Minnesota, come to Espinho to show good Rhythmic routines and they take the dividends of that fact.
Lyrica Okano and Alexis Pays obtained respectively the 3º and 6º place in Juniores competition and, mainly Okano, achieve to show good routines with appreciable apparatus technique. Alexis Pays, as much as i know, gymnast of the USA Team, was not so well, like is classification show, but any way she did capture the public's attention.
In case of the sisters Lu, and with a quick visit to the site of his club, we be able to see the quality of work with several first places in Tournaments and Championships they participate, they have as coach Margarita Mamzina. As a confirmation of his value we can find, already in 2006, a nomination of the two sisters for "Rhythmic Future Stars" of the U.S.A. Future stars of RG? ...we will see.
In the outcome of the tournament, the American gymnasts achieve a great classification, mainly the sisters Lu that win in pre-Junior leaving Maria in second place, as well in Juniores doing the the same to Rita Vasconcelos. That's not a good thing to do... :D
Congratulations for the good work and sorry for my PORTINGLISH ;)
6 comentários:
very nice summary of the American's participation in your competition! :) Thank you for taking the time to write it and to translate it in Portinglish :)) I really enjoyed reading it!
Smaranda, Boston
PS: We hope to see some Portugese gymnasts in Boston Cup next year! :)
Saramanda, there was one there in Boston this year, but she competed as bulgarian ;). Do you remember Katerina Ivanova? Yap, she is portuguese to ;)
Good luck for all the american gymnasts!!!
Sorry, not "Saramanda" but SMARANDA!!!
Hi Smaranda,
thanks for your visit and comment to the "Maria's notebook" :)
The USA girls deserve this post.
Like the previous comment says, Caterina Ivanova is a Portuguese gymnasts friend of us and she won in Boston this year. NICE ;)
see you
Sisters Lu coach Margarita Mamzina
...sorry, my mistake!
I saw the info about the Varvara Coach and...
See you
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